Deep Learning For Ecological Monitoring: Performance In Novel Habitats And Benefits Of varied Training Data

Deep Learning For Ecological Monitoring: Performance In Novel Habitats And Benefits Of varied Training Data

By PhD candidate Ellen Ditria, Reading Time: 452 words, about 2 minutes. Fish IDing Sample. Photo: Global Wetlands Project. Deep learning has fast become recognised as a powerful data processing tool for ecologists faced with vast amounts of image-based data. The ability of deep learning to accurately detect target species in videos and images unlocks [...]

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Citizen Science can Supercharge Ecological Monitoring

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Citizen Science can Supercharge Ecological Monitoring

By Dr. Eva McClure Read Time: 550 words, about 3 minutes. People often imagine the future of technology, and science fiction has depicted many dystopian futures where artificial intelligence (AI) has taken over human civilisation. While AI surpassing human cognition is still in the realms of science fiction, AI technology and software with the capacity [...]

Data science: The new language of ecologists

Data science: The new language of ecologists

By PhD candidate Sebastian Lopez-Marcano  Read Time: 416 words about 3 minutes. Data creates magic. In ecology, data is necessary to make targeted management decisions. New tools (i.e. deep learning / computer vision) are allowing data to be processed at vast rates which is making data more accessible and useful. However, converting raw data into meaningful insights for ecological research can be challenging.  Data nodes. Photo: Akamai. Through the years, ecologists have become familiar [...]