One of the building blocks of the Great Barrier Reef could be in danger

One of the building blocks of the Great Barrier Reef could be in danger

By PhD Candidate Tessa Page, Read Time: 404 words about 3 minutes. Our new research has revealed adults from one species of reef building coralline algae may be somewhat resilient to the degree of change oceans are predicted to endure by year 2100.   As humans continue to emit CO2 into the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate, major changes are occurring in our oceans, [...]

The forgotten forests of the sea: Are they also threatened by climate change?

The forgotten forests of the sea: Are they also threatened by climate change?

By PhD Candidates Carolina Olguin Jacobson and Nur Arafeh Dalmau (Guest Co-Author) Read Time: 449 words about 3 minutes. Extreme climatic events, such as marine heatwaves, are threatening one of the most productive (but often forgotten) marine ecosystems; kelp forests.  Sea lions among kelp forest in a remote island Cedros, in Baja California, Mexico. Photo by: Nur Arafeh Dalmau.  The importance of terrestrial forests is well known, but their marine counterpart, underwater kelp forests, are [...]