Restoration without animals is like gin and tonic without the gin

Restoration without animals is like gin and tonic without the gin

"Restoration without animals is like gin and tonic without the gin; there’s something important missing, it doesn’t quite work, and it’s unlikely to achieve the desired outcome."

From sharks in seagrass to manatees in mangroves, we’ve found large marine species in some surprising places

From sharks in seagrass to manatees in mangroves, we’ve found large marine species in some surprising places

Michael Sievers, Griffith University; Rod Connolly, Griffith University, and Tom Rayner, Griffith University When we think of mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and saltmarshes, we don’t immediately think of shark habitats. But the first global review of links between large marine animals (megafauna) and coastal wetlands is challenging this view – and how we might respond [...]

Prawn chemical “fingerprints” identify human influences in urban coastal habitats

Prawn chemical “fingerprints” identify human influences in urban coastal habitats

"We found that prawns collected closer to shore had higher concentrations of potential pollutants" says Dr Munroe